Who am I?


Facebook…oh the opportunities.  I really enjoy Facebook (for the most part); to the point that I have to monitor my time spent on it.  It’s a nice avenue for keeping up with my family and friends who no longer live nearby and I especially love that I have the opportunity to share my Savior’s love for me and my love for Him via my daily “status update”.   Sometimes the status is spontaneous, based on something that I’ve seen or heard that prompts a comment – sometimes spiritual, sometimes serious, sometimes funny; and then other times, I take time to really ponder what I want to type, praying that whatever it is will speak to someone who needs a word of encouragement.

Today was a “ponder” day.  And as I thought about what to add, these words from a favorite Rusty Goodman song came to my mind:

When I think of how He came so far from glory, came and dwelt among the lowly such as I; to suffer shame and such disgrace, on Mount Calvary take my place.  

Then I ask myself this question, “Who am I?”


So who am I?  Why does Jesus bend low to hear my prayers, wipe my tears, laugh with me, cry with me, walk with me, carry me, encourage me, forgive me, hold me, love me?  What have I ever done to deserve such love as the Father has bestowed upon me?

The answer?  NOTHING.

I’ve done nothing to deserve any of my Saviors adoration or kind attention,.  I’m the chiefest of sinners.  Yet I am a recipient of His sweet favor every single day.

So…who am I?

In myself…I’m less than nothing.

In Christ…I’m a daughter of the most high King who controls the universe, yet takes time to hear my prayers.


I’m reminded of His words, “I’ll leave you never.  If you’ll be true, I’ll give to you life forever.  I don’t know what I could have done to deserve God’s only Son, to fight my battles UNTIL THEY’RE WON       for who am I? 

– Rusty Goodman

Hi, I’m Robin…daughter of the King. 

About therigginslife teachmethestoriesofthebible

My heart is full and my forever has been changed because of Jesus Christ. My life has been abundantly blessed with an amazing, godly man, three precious sons, a daughter-in-love and the most beautiful granddaughter ever born. I love to sing and I love to write. Through a season of ministry working with young children, I discovered a love for sharing Bible stories in a way that they could easily understand and apply to their little lives. Almost by accident, I also discovered that these children enjoyed and easily related to the "stick figure characters" I drew on the whiteboard to go along with the stories. So here we are. The Lord said start sharing these stories and illustrations through a blog so that's what I'm doing. I pray they'll be a vehicle to share the love of Jesus with young and old alike.

3 responses »

  1. Hi! I’m Glenda, and I guess that makes me your (much) older sister! I also enjoy Facebook, although I never thought about joining until our daughter-in-law suggested it. Our son and his family are 1500 miles away, so we don’t see them often, and she said it would be easier to see pictures of our grandsons and other things that the family is doing, so I clicked the link she emailed to me, and the rest is history! It has taken on a life of its own, but I have also found it to be a great tool for encouragement and spiritual growth. Thank you for “friending” me.

    I enjoy reading your blog entries, as well as your brother’s. The song you mentioned is one of my favorites also. When we start feeling down in the dumps, we just need to remind ourselves that the King of the universe loves us enough that He died for us, then rose to give us victory! Thank you for this reminder today. 🙂

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